Jenin refugee camp

Terror Ramming attack, Ariel, Terrorists
Report: The Terrorist Killed in Ariel Attack Yesterday was a Released Prisoner

According to Arab reports, Abu Na'asa, the terrorist killed yesterday in the attack in Ariel, was a former prisoner in an Israeli jail and one of the commanders of the Jenin Brigade, considered one of the most wanted individuals in the Jenin refugee camp.

Eliana Fleming | 26.08.24

Israel At War, Jenin

The IDF Confirms: Six Terrorists Eliminated in Jenin Operation 

Six terrorists were eliminated in Jenin after throwing explosives at IDF forces engaged in a counter-terror operation in the city.

JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

Israel At  War, Jenin

Border Police Fighter Shai Girmai Killed in Action in Jenin

Border Police officer Sgt. Shai Girmai was killed in action in Jenin after her military vehicle was hit by an explosive device. Four other fighters were injured in explosion, including two seriously.

JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

Israel At War

The IDF Operates in Jenin for More Than 30 hours, 6 Terrorists Eliminated

In a joint operation lasting more than 30 hours, the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Border Police in Jenin. The forces searched over 400 buildings, detained suspects, confiscated weapons, ammunition, and destroyed many terrorist infrastructures. Palestinians report 6 deaths.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Israel At War

Morning of a Battle in Jenin: an Aircraft Eliminated 4 Terrorists in the City

Four terrorists were killed by an aircraft in Jenin, after they dropped explosives, and opened fire on the fighters. The forces continue the activity of arresting the wanted.

JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Muhammad Zubeidi Was Eliminated

Muhammad Zubeidi, Commander of the Jenin Battalion, was killed by the Yamam

Muhammad Zubeidi, the commander of the Jenin battalion, was killed by the Navy. The target of the operation in Jenin was the commander of the battalion in the city, Muhammad Zubeidi, the brother of Zakaria, who was imprisoned in Israel.

JFeed | 29.11.23

Israel At War, Jenin

The IDF is Operating in Jenin, an Aircraft Attacked a Terrorist Squad

Starting late at night, the IDF is attacking at Jenin refugee camp. An aircraft attacked an armed terrorist squad that endangered the IDF forces. In addition, a lot of illegal drugs were found and confiscated, and many wanted people were arrested.

JFeed | 29.11.23

Israel At War

The IDF Launched an Arrests Operation in Jenin: 2 Terrorists Were Killed

In recent hours, reserve forces of the paratroopers have been working in the Jenin refugee camp to arrest wanted persons. The fighters returned fire and killed at least two terrorists.

JFeed | 25.11.23

Israel At War

As in Gaza: Terrorists Tried to Hide in a Hospital in Jenin and Were Caught

During the night, an extended operation was carried out by IDF fighters, the Shin Bet and the Border Police in Judea and Samaria. during which many Hamas terrorists were captured, many weapons were located, and terrorists who tried to take shelter in a hospital in Jenin - were arrested.

JFeed | 17.11.23

Exchange Fire In Jenin

Exchange fire in Jenin: an IDF drone attacked, 4 killed on the spot

IDF forces were operating in the Jenin refugee camp, when a heavy exchange of fire was reported there after an attack on a military drone. According to the Palestinian media, 4 people were killed and 20 others were injured in the incident

JFeed | 19.09.23

IDF Forces In Jenin

IDF forces operate in Jenin: heavy fire exchange

IDF forces were operating in the Jenin refugee camp when a heavy exchange of fire was reported there. According to the Palestinian media, a number of wounded were recorded in the incident

JFeed | 19.09.23

 Special Forces in the Jenin Refugee Camp.

For the first time since July 2023 Jenin incursion: Special forces operated in the Jenin refugee camp.

For the first time since July 2023 Jenin incursion (Operation 'Bayit VaGan'), special forces of the IDF and the police entered the Jenin refugee camp. According to Arab reports, the forces entered the camp amidst tensions and sealed off a building on-site. Following them, reinforcements of plainclothes units arrived in a long convoy of jeeps."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 04.09.23

Special Forces are Operating in Jenin

For the first time since Operation "Bayit VaGan"; special forces are operating in Jenin

IDF special forces are operating for the first time to apprehend a wanted individual within the Jenin refugee camp since Operation "Bayit VaGan" that took place at the beginning of July

JFeed | 17.08.23